Christopher Shaw is a Seattle ceramic artist whose work includes sculpture and functional items. His functional work employs a combination of minimalist design principles and natural aesthetics.
The sculptural work Chris produces serves as a laboratory for exploring abstract concepts. As a vehicle for intellectual exploration, Chris’s work addresses aesthetics, consciousness and environment.
Find out more at

Update (2/7/12): It is so rare that we have 3 sunny days in a row in Seattle. Today, inspired by the translucent finery of Chris' ceramics, I took some photos outside. They don't do the work justice, but perhaps capture a hint of how beautiful his ceramic work is.
The sculptural work Chris produces serves as a laboratory for exploring abstract concepts. As a vehicle for intellectual exploration, Chris’s work addresses aesthetics, consciousness and environment.
Find out more at

Update (2/7/12): It is so rare that we have 3 sunny days in a row in Seattle. Today, inspired by the translucent finery of Chris' ceramics, I took some photos outside. They don't do the work justice, but perhaps capture a hint of how beautiful his ceramic work is.