
Seattle, it's not Vancouver!

There are cool people everywhere. But for some reason, it took me about 3 years before I started finding them in Seattle. Is this because Vancouver is so incredibly awesome? Perhaps.

It might also have something to do with the way people here hole up in their houses sometimes, refusing to meet new people or travel, or contemplate their deep-seated (but cleverly disguised) issues with race and class.


From the Archives

In 2008, we got into our car, put all our earthly belongings into a wee UHaul trailer and drove from Dallas, TX to the Northwest. It was the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one!


Writer's Residencies

My Driftwood Palace
Whidbey Island, WA

If you are the keeper of a vagina and a writer, perhaps consider Hedgebrook? It's for you and your health.



Profile: Kaoru Okumura

Photo by Leigh Hawthorn
A fan of Butoh since 1977, Kaoru Okumura studied Butoh in 1993 at Asbestos-Kan in Tokyo with Akiko Motofuji, Hijikata's wife, and also had her first performance there. After another long interval, she encountered Seattle Butoh dancers in 2008, which kindled her dream of sharing her own art. Since then, she has enjoyed working and performing with Danse Perdue, where she experiences how a body bridges the soul and the world. Kaoru also performed at Moore Inside Out, Settle Butoh Festival 2011, etc. 
Her unique background balances computer technology and the arts. She has an MS degree in mathematical logics, and a career as researcher, developer, and program manager in computer companies with a specialty in natural languages analysis. She also enjoys contributing to the Butoh community as a photographer, and video artist.

Bio from www.kaoruokumura.com


From the Archives

"Kitsune" Video Still 
by Stafanya Talenti

"Study for Kitsune Performance"
Photo by Guy Roland, Henna by Jada Gridley, Mask by Kat Morris


From the Archives

Kat Morris of Nightshade Beauty
First Walk Through Paris, April 2010