
On My Radar

I have a horrible habit of keeping five million tabs and windows open because I'm so worried I'll forget something. I am too haphazard to use Bookmarks for everything. When my mind is zipping along, I accumulate tabs like there's no tomorrow.

I want a fresh start tomorrow, so I'm going to post the links that are open in separate tabs.

Web Design related:


Google Search for "Storme Webber"

Anne Ortelee's Weekly Weather

Seattle Arts

Second Sundays

It's technically Tuesday now that it's after midnight, but I wanted to take a note to spread the gospel of Second Sunday.

This weekend, with a sick baby, and not feeling so hot myself, I hit the rock bottom of my own personal exhaustion. Long story shorter, I decided that what my body and mind needed more than anything on Monday was a do-over. So in the midst of my depletion on Sunday, I decided that Monday was to be my Second Sunday.

Well, chile, t worked!!! After lazing about long enough for the hunger pangs to find me and move me from my prone posture, I fed myself and lept into a very content and productive day.

Here's what my day looked like:

1. Take a shower while the baby naps.
2. Be inspired enough to cook dinner.
3. Have a after school chat and snack with my daughter.
4. Complete the burden of the laundry.
5. Reorganize my husband's chest of drawers.
6. Eat, cook, and keep the kitchen clean and sweep the floor.
7. Give baby a bath & read my daughter a bedtime story.
8. Vacuum the living room while doing lunges and listening to 80s music.
9. Avoid Facebook, email, even television.
10. Have a cup of tea outside and daydreaming about the Mumbai Tea.

On top of that I was present and engaged when both a friend and a family member needed my energy. I even entertained a surprise guest! All in all an excellent fresh start in time for February!